Betta Fish Eggs In Tank. The male Betta will blow bubbles while the female secures the eggs in these nests. Caring for betta fish eggs isn't that much work for the pet owner once you've done the ground work.

While seeing your male Betta's aggressive display is fun, this can stress.
If you only want to keep one betta fish in your tank, either male or female, consider the following fish as tankmates: black skirt tetras, neon or cardinal tetras, swordtails, mollies, hatchetfish.
Most people will say "Bettas can't have tank mates or companions", but the truth is… they can. I remember the first time my betta fish blew bubbles, I freaked out and thought that I had killed him. Notes: Keep in large groups, prefers heavily planted tanks and Prefers mature, planted tanks with some shade, leaf litter, and hiding spots. under good conditions, females will lay a few eggs daily, so fry may appear.
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