Young Betta Fish. Betta fish are widely known as fighting fish. Frequently sold in individual containers, you might believe all Betta fish have the same general appearance and demeanor.
Another extremely easy fish to keep, platies can be another great choice for your betta.
Betta fish have reputations for being territorial and aggressive fish, and the big question is "can It's recommended that you start your sorority with young Bettas and have plenty of hiding spaces in your.
A young Betta fish, that uses her folding fan to create Shikigami, or spirits that take the form of Origami fish that she uses for spying and for information. Betta Gender Obvious Differences Between Males And Females The biggest difference that will help you decide male or female is the way your betta flares. How Long Do Betta Fish Live, FishTankWeb.
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