Would A Betta Fish Kill A Goldfish. Betta fish are true tropical fish, needing warm waters to survive and be happy. Male betta splendons, also called Siamese fighting fish, viciously attack other male bettas or any fish resembling another male betta.
They need some minerals in the water, even those that come help temperature shocked fish cold to warm. how long can tank shock last for bettas. how long does it take a betta to recover from shock of water change.
I have Heterandria formosa and Leptolucania If so, then you can keep a goldfish (although they do grow, and would eventually need another tank - and they also like to not be alone - goldfish, as.
And do they absolutely need filters. But it's not just the ammonia poisoning. yes because once i got a betta fish and i put in a tank with a gold fish the first day the betta killed the goldfish so i boult a nother goldfish it did not kill the goldfish because i put them in sepret tanks so that's what you guys should do it because i did it try it people your goldfish. They produce large amounts of waste that can quickly convert into Ammonia.
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