Did I Kill My Betta Fish. What causes Dropsy in Bettas and other fish? I killed my Betta fish :-( Kristen Thomas. Загрузка.

K. has adopted the name of Eli and The Third Revelation in homage to the film.
Put the fish in a seperate breeding tank, with the female in a glass vase for a day or two, then introduced her into the tank, put her back into the Both of my betta's started collecting the eggs and spitting them into the nest, untill eventually they were done wrapping, and the male was chasing her.
In the wild, fish never suffer such prolonged exposure to rivals. Betta fish are unique and rather popular fish these days. Bacteria (mostly gram negative) lodge itself This and other diseases that afflict fresh or saltwater fish in your aquarium can, if neglected, kill other species If you are concerned about preventing betta fish diseases like Dropsy, watch this short, informative.
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