Why Cant Betta Fish Live Together. Generally, you shouldn't keep a male and a female together unless you are willing to take on the arduous task of breeding, and even then, you have to. If you want to know about every fish that can live with your betta then click The chances of them breeding are obviously increased.
The number of bettas that can be kept together in the same aquarium depends on the gender of the betta.
In fact, there are fish that can live with your betta you haven't even thought of yet!
But before we tackle. the swordtails and betta should be fine but individual fish have different temperaments. He seems to be fine otherwise. My thinking is that the Betta would be less likely to attack either of them if they're together as opposed to being alone. can you have swordtails with a siamese fighting fish. do swordtales and bettas get along.
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