Pregnant Betta Fish. Like most aquatic species, her eggs are laid which are then immediately fertilized by the male Betta. We all know that the female Betta does not give birth to live young.
Can a female betta get pregnant with other fish? - Betta ... (Lula Cruz) It can be a shock when your little ones suddenly become pregnant, even if they are fish, but what may be a bigger shock is… your Betta being pregnant! She just sits at the bottom. As previous posters mentioned, female betta fish do not become pregnant.
Can you please help me figure out if my betta is egg bound, constipated, or has.
Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful.
Are these females pregnant?? - Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care
How to look after a Betta Fish And what are its ...
My Betta Fish Might Be Pregnant?? | My Aquarium Club
Pregnant Platy (Pics Inside) | Tropical Fish Forums
Is This Dropsy Or Is Femal Betta Fish Full Of Eggs? Female ...
Live Betta Fish Pregnant Female Copper Garnet Crowntail CT ...
How do You Know if Your Fish Is Pregnant
How to determine if a Betta fish is pregnant - Quora
Betta fish are widely known as fighting fish. Is my betta fish egg bound? Betta fish need clean water, otherwise, they become stressed and susceptible to disease.
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