A Blue Betta Fish. The Betta is a fish with lots of vibrant colors so when selecting tank mates to keep with male bettas or female bettas in a community, you'll want to provide Fish that are not aggressive and don't have any long fins or colors Blue Tetra. Betta Splende, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, but why do betta fish fight eachother?
Aquariums with multiple betta fish are called "female betta fish sorority tanks".
They will fight other betta tankmates, so keep them separated.
The male betta is a solitary fish that quietly eats insects and prepares a bubble nest in case a roving female may by chance come along. Betta fish are popular with pet owners, partly for their beauty, and also because caring for a betta fish is relatively easy. But, if you would like to keep more of a variety of fish, Siamese fighters can.
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