Male Betta Fish. The Betta is a fish with lots of vibrant colors so when selecting tank mates to keep with male bettas or female bettas in a community, you'll want to provide Fish that are not aggressive and don't have any. It is the more photogenic of the two sexes.
Halfmoon Betta for Sale - (Harry Jefferson) Hi i have a betta fish and everytime i feed him his betta food he will swim up and eat one than spit it back out, he does this everytime he eats one. If you keep a male and female betta fish together then, of course, there's always In fact, there are fish that can live with your betta you haven't even thought of yet! As we know that male betta fish are very difficult to put together in one tank unless they collide and attack each other which can result in death.
So many aquarists keep them one male to a fish bowl.
Bettas can breathe from their labyrinth organ which.
Male Betta for Sale -
What Da Fish???: Betta Fish
The Genetics Of Betta Fish: Tail Types | My Aquarium Club
Male Crowntail Betta | Petco
Male Betta Fish - a photo on Flickriver
Betta for Sale
Fancy RAINBOW BLUE VIOLET RED Double Tail DTHM (Male ...
Blue Paradise Male Betta – GoBetta
Male and Female Betta fish | HubPages
The male betta is a solitary fish that quietly eats insects and prepares a bubble nest in case a roving female may by chance come along. Actually, male betta fish make excellent community fish with the right mix of peaceful fish. Male betta splendons, also called Siamese fighting fish, viciously attack other male bettas or any fish resembling another male betta.
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