Betta Fish White Spots. My Betta has small white spots on the surface of his eyes which do not look like Cloudy Eye or Popeye to me. #betta #ich #whitespots Other related videos to cure white spots disease (Ich): How to cure Ich on aquarium fish by the king of DIY. White spot disease, parasites reside beneath the skin of the betta fish.
In fact, a few examples of tank mates that can live peacefully with Betta Fish are White Cloud Minnows, Neon Tetra, Ember Tetra, Harlequin Rasbora.
I can't own them all but I can pin them all.
He's hardly moving around in his bowl You got a sick betta fish huh? As popular as these fish are, it's surprising that bettas have accumulated many myths around them. However, they actually requires some space to swim around.
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